NEW! For some 1960s memories courtesy of Rene O'Brien Harlow:

...and be sure to scroll to the bottom of this page to see some more photos.

Do you remember the weekly menu? 

Shandra Caruso writes about the '80s:
  • Monday supper: hoagies
  • Tuesday dinner: Roast Beef
  • Thursday dinner:
    Chicken patties with macaroni & cheese
  • Thursday supper: cookout
  • Friday: Fish and more fish!
  • Saturday dinner:  Beef Stew
  • Saturday supper: Hamburgers
  • Sunday dinner:
    Chicken with Mashed Potatoes
  • Sunday supper:  Pizza

...and from Martha Cavanagh on the '60s:

  • "Mystery Meat" with green beans, mashed potatoes, and cherry pie for dessert
  • Breaded cutlets with peas and spice cake for dessert.

My own recollections include Sticky Buns, gray meat (veal? roast beef?), ham slices with creepy raisin gravy, and Chiquita Bananas...

Plane overruns Tobyhanna Airport and pilot parachutes into Tega woods - 1964
Playing Tenniquoit on the Badminton Court
- Bingo in the Boathouse on rainy days
- Cokes for lunch and Ringing the bell in the lodge's "Widow's Walk" during rest hour on July 4th
- Tattoo, Taps, and sometimes "Goodnight, Sweet Jesus" over the PA system at bedtime
- "Going on a Lion Hunt" and "Six Little Ducks"
- Jacks and Cat's Cradle
- Braiding lanyards outside the Crafts cabins
- Root Beer Fizzies
- Roller skating in the Rumpus
- Charms lollipops on Movie Night
- Prell Shampoo and Baby Powder
- Putting Sun-In in our hair
- The Ski-Doodler
- Skip Around The Table
- Taking showers in Trips
- Collecting Tetley Tea motto labels
- Twiggy, the Riding Ring dog

Shimmy Shimmy Ko-Ko-Bop - '60
Please Mr. Postman - '61
Alley Cat - '62
Up On The Roof - '63
Chapel of Love - '64
I'm 'Enery The Eighth I Am - '65
Red Rubber Ball - '66
Lady Godiva - '67
Angel of the Morning - '68
Build Me Up Buttercup - '69

Thanks to Martha Cavanagh and Jim Moffatt for supplying the missing cabin names! Scroll to down for Jim's message about cabin signs.
(Cabins in which I was a camper are marked in bold, with year -- and counselors where I remember them.)

Bird’s Nest (Jr. C '63 / Miller-Baker)
Pussy Willow (Jr. B '64)
Jack-in-the-Pulpit (Jr. C '63 / Ludders)

Black Eyed Susan
Forget-Me-Not (Int. E Smiley? '65)
Lady Slipper
Meadowsweet (Sr, B '70 - Leberman)
Rhododendron (Int. A '69 - Urquhart)
Sundrops (Int. C '67 - Fisher-Neahrer)
Sweet Pea
Thistle (Int. D '66 - Hile)
Tiger Lily
Wake Robin
Water Lily
Wild Aster
Wild Iris (Int B. - '68 - Fiori)
Wood Lily
Wood Orchid

Pine Cone
Grey Beeches

Jim Moffatt on Cabin Names:
"Can anyone guess where "Sweet Pea" cabin was located? Those staying in it did not like the name, so they took the sign down.
Over the years (mostly during hockey camp), someone would steal a cabin sign. Instead of making a new sign, we would just take a sign down from one of the unused cabins in the front row and rename the cabin from which the sign was stolen. One year the arts and crafts did all new signs."
Thanks for the memories, Jim!

Click on any photo to see an enlarged version; where possible,
scanned shots have enough detail for you to zoom right in on faces
using your computer's magnifying tool:
1963 August Campers
1964 Rumpus Campers
Cabin Mates, 1965
Cabin Mates, 1966
Cabin Mates, 1967
Meadowsweet, 1970
Above:  My cabin-mates, through the years.

Here are three Song Contest photos.
Click on any thumbnail shot to open an enlargement in a new window.
You can zoom in quite close on the enlarged versions.
Can anyone help to date them?
 Themla Miller,
teaching tap in the Rumpus.
 The cast of Oklahoma! (1968)
Shot from a catalogue
 Cora Logan, teaching Ballroom Dancing
in the Lodge.
Left and Right:

The Music Man
Senior As and Bs combined
(1969 or 1970?)