A few people have been writing in with their own camp stories, so I've decided to add this page to share some of them. Eventually I hope to hear from enough people that I can create a page for each decade of Tegawitha's existence...so don't hesitate to write in with your memories, and send scans of some of your photos!
1930s-40s - Connie Duffy Corroon writes:
I have so many happy memories but they are VERY old (I'm 84!). I started camp when I was 5 years old and was in Birds Nest for 2 years, but not lonely. I was the youngest of all the Duffy girls and I had lots of sisters and cousins there. Tegawitha was a family tradition, 4 sisters, 3 cousins , 4 nieces and 2 daughters. My oldest sister, Mim was in the first camp group about 90(?) years ago. Helen Fleming was in my cabin. She was head counselor when our 2 daughters went at age 9 and they were terrified of her (not justly) and in awe that I knew her so well.
Who could ever forget Tegawitha and the happy Christmas reunions at the Hotel McAlpin in New York?
One of my happiest moments in life, other than getting married was finally earning my white cap. Wasn't easy - thought I'd drown when we had to jump overboard on that rowboat. take off our clothes and swim to shore!
On my first day at Manhattanville College in 1942, it was like another reunion. About 7 of my camp group gathered in the front hall hugging and kissing. Mary Lou O'Brien, was a cabin mate, classmate, and a bridesmaid. We're still in touch 79 years later!
As far as the menus are concerned, I just remember that the grass was cut on Thursdays and we had spinach on Fridays!
"Here is a photo of the whole camp that was taken about 1935. It's about 2 feet long so I had to split it up. You'll love it - we all had our black bloomers and saddle shoes on!"
(Click on Connie's group photo to view an enlarged version) |
Thanks for writing, and thanks for that great photo, Connie!
1950s - Robin Dobson writes:
I've been stuck at home with a bad back and was very happy to come upon "Tegawitha Memories" on the web. I was a happy little camperfrom 1955 to 1960. I just loved Tegawitha and I remember being very sad when I was too old to be a Camper.
I was up at the Adirondack antique fair around 1995 and came upon some hickory furniture tagged "From Camp Tegawitha". That's how I found out Camp had closed. I felt like a great piece of my perfect childhood was gone. Also I brought a clothes tree that my little yellow slicker hung on in the 50's. It's now in my hallway with my giant raincoat hanging on it.
I have a photo of Miss Spencer, if it's the same person, she was one of my cabin Counselors and very nice. I will look for it and send it to you.
My friend Laurie Susan Kahn wrote a terrific book "Sleepaway - The Girls of Summer and the Camps They Loved" (Workman Publishing Co.) Although the person she contacted about Tegawitha decline to participate, one of my heartfelt memories is in it. Anyone I know who loved camp, including the boys, really enjoyed the book. You can find and order it online.
Thanks for the Memories.
Robin Dobson
White Team 1955 to 1959
C.I.T. 1960
CLICK HERE to view Robin's photos from the 1950s
1960s - Donna Barnhurst writes:
Hi Nancy,
I just discovered the Tegawitha website and have been enjoying a lovely trip down memory lane! I attended Tegawitha for 5 years in the 60's and have photos that I'll be forwarding in several separate emails. My name at that time was Donna Nitti and while I remember a few of the girls names in the pictures most I don't. However, maybe once they're shared people will recognize the faces. I was on the White team so all of the team shots ( in a triangle) of course are of the White team! I started out in Birds Nest, so there are Rumpus photos.
Thank you for the terrific website; it' s truly a wonderful journey back to fun times!
- Donna Barnhurst
See Donna's great photos at the top of the Photos page...Love that Rumpus furniture!
1960s - Karen Osar writes:
I was a Tega camper from about 1960 - 1965. I spent my first summer in Morning Glory and was on the Blue Team. I remember marching, being told on the PA system each morning what to wear (?), saddle shoes, name tags, home-made white bread, meat loaf and canned corn, Smucker's jam in little packets, movies in the Lodge on rainy days, Miss Spencer trying to help me get a white check in golf, Cammie McCormick, Anne Butler, Lorna Kent, Sandra Stewart, Dee Dee Ojers, and so many more...
Hair dryers like today's hand blowers, horseback riding on the other side of the lake, frankfurters, watermelon, sauerkraut and bug juice on Sundays (cook's night off), and the playing fields. I was a legacy and so was Anne Butler - our mothers had been at Tega together probably in the 30's. I remember Miss Fleming and Mrs. Lynch, who only made rare special appearances. Great times and great friends!!
Thanks for writing, Karen....I remember Picnic Supper being on Thursday nights, not Sundays...but I certainly remember the with hot dogs, watermelon and bug juice menu!